VN Seluyanov in his monograph Technology of improving physical education gives a comprehensive description Dianabol pills the main types of improving Methandienone pills education from the perspective of modern scientific data. He considers cyclic aerobics to be the least beneficial for health, and running, respectively, as the least useful form of cyclic aerobics.
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This is not surprising. The heart begins its training even before the birth of person, and stops with the last breath.
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Running is the most harmful of all types of aerobics due to the presence of shock, which adversely affects muscles, joints and spine. In case of excess weight and in old age it is recommended to Dianabol pills it with walking, swimming, a bicycle and other types of cyclic loading. Running is not Methandienone bodybuilding universal means of developing endurance, it develops endurance only in certain muscle groups, so there is no need to include it in the training process in those sports where these groups are not involved.
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They run at a uniform pace in a comfortable zone at the level of the aerobic threshold. And the level of activation of the endocrine system, and, accordingly, the healingis Methandienone bodybuilding. In Methandienone pills one-year experiment, with a three-time training on an hour of running, it was not possible to reduce high blood pressure.
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First, general stamina does not exist. In his fundamental work Development of local muscle endurance in cyclic sports (I personally consider Methandienone bodybuilding the best in modern sports science), Professor Seluyanov convincingly proved on a number of scientific studies that Dbol endurance, which depends solely on the number of mitochondria in muscle Neither the cardiovascular system nor the respiratory system can be a limiting link.
I must say that I am ambivalent about the written work of the doctor. He has Methandienone bodybuilding good articles, but often he writes Dbol about those things that he does not understand at all. The basics of strength training were clearly not part of his field of practice.
And, on the contrary, training aimed at the growth of mitochondria reduces muscle mass. Therefore, in power sports associated with the of endurance, you must Dbol build muscle, and in the pre-competition period, fill it with mitochondriahellip; But people read Bulanov and believe.
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The heart begins its training even before the birth of a person, and stops the last. Skeletal muscle can never achieve a level of heart fitness. In the heart there is no gradation of fibers in terms of excitability.
And outside the mitochondria, without oxygen, it down, forming two ATP molecules and lactic acid. Without mitochondria, a muscle cannot use oxygen.
In case of excess weight and in old age it is recommended to replace it with walking, swimming, a bicycle and other types of cyclic loading. Running is not a universal means of developing endurance, Dianabol develops endurance Dianabol in certain muscle groups, so there is no need to include it in the training process in those sports where these groups are not involved. You need to learn how to run, and if you still want to do it, train with an athletics trainer to put you in the right technique.
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But which runner prefers such a run. They run at a uniform pace in a comfortable zone Dianabol pills the level of the aerobic threshold. And the Dbol of activation of the endocrine system, and, accordingly, the healing effect, is minimal.
You need to learn how to run, and if you still want to do it, train with an athletics trainer to put Dbol in the Methandienone bodybuilding technique. You need to run in Methandienone pills with a thick, wide (so that the foot does not tuck) and soft soles, especially in the heel area.
Consequently, mitochondria are few there. And an international marathon runner will also suffocate, turning his pedals with his hands at the load level, for an average skier, like an untrained person, Dbol stairs to the third floor. Cyclists of an international level run mediocre middle distances on the plain very mediocre.
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Its especially funny to me when arm wrestling trainers make their students Dbol to increase endurance. Yes, Dianabol pills in the back of the thigh and lower leg in this sport, of course, are extremely necessary.
In skiers, the aerobic abilities of the leg muscles are only slightly Dbol the long-distance runners. But the abilities of the muscles of the hands are much superior.
But when running cross-country on hilly terrain, where the load goes to the quadriceps femoris muscle, they show quite decent results. Or, for example, I had to with hockey players. Now in club hockey teams one of the standards is running on Cooper.
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In the heart there is no gradation of fibers in terms of Methandienone bodybuilding. Therefore, all fibers of the myocardium are involved in each contraction.