If you decide to stay home or you have a long flight, why not stream HD Telugu movies online? There are a lot of good choices, like Racha, Okadu, and Tagore. Due to the awesome action sequences in these movies, it would be better to watch these Telugu movies in HD. Here are three movies that would go great with friends and lots of popcorn by your side:
The main character is a full-time gambler, and he proves that there is a lot of risks involved in it. Throughout his life, he proves that he will bet on just about anything just for the thrill of it. Some people bet that he won’t be able to make a certain girl fall for him. That is when things start to get interesting because love is more than just betting. There were good performances all throughout the movie, which is why it got numerous awards. In fact, everyone involved in this movie deserves a pat on the back for a job well done.
The protagonist saves a stranger from a factionist. Unfortunately, things turn from nice to really bad for him like a bunch of armed men is after him. That does not mean he is going to give up without a fight, though. After that, it turns into a car chase into eternity. Of course, he gets a lot of kisses along the way and he deserves each and every one of them. There are a lot of twists in this movie. Just when you thought you figured out what is going to happen next, it throws a curveball at you and you are surprised. That says a lot about the movie since the last thing it would want to be is predictable. The story is pretty nice considering starting out as something you normally see in action movies.
Tagore tells the story of a man who formed a group that takes out corrupt government officials. When you live in another country, you will wish someone would form a group like that in your country. Tagore endures a lot of adventures over the years. There are times when the villains do bad things to him, and he gets some sort of revenge one way or the other. The important thing is the quality of his movies is pretty high, which boosted his popularity. He became some kind of Telugu action superstar equivalent to the Rambo of Hollywood. In fact, the entire country knows who he is, even if he is a fictional character.
All the above HD Telugu movies will make you watch until the end. There is not one boring part, which is what makes a nice movie. The special effects are also nice, and the filmmakers did a good job of making them close to true life. Also, they all got great reviews from critics which means they actually agree on something. It won’t be a surprise when you try and impress your date by letting her see this movie with you.
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