Game development is one of the fast-growing fields which offer feasible career opportunities. This is also due to the continuous requirement of fresh ideas that are not only unique but are new and appealing. Developing a game is not as easy as playing it. It requires deep knowledge of the technology, tools used and above all, a great deal of dedication. 

To keep up with the changing trends of the gaming world, innovative features should be up to date in every game. Gacha games are one such kind that keeps up the spirit of gaming for a long time. They are something like toy vending machines, where you spin a wheel to get a random toy which is called gacha in Japan. Inspired by this, the virtual gachas are designed and included in the games. It started as a way of rewarding the gamers who pay to play a game with some virtual collectibles. Most games reward the player with gacha after completing a particular level or so. There would also be options where real cash can be used to get these gachas. 

Monetization of the game:

These games have high monetization capabilities as they induce the hunter spirit in the gamers. Just like any collector who is passionate about collecting articles or any products just as a hobby, the gamers play more to get their desired gachas or collect more of them. 

Developing a good gacha:

Gacha mechanics would be efficient if designed from the planning phase of a game. The following points about the game would make the gacha work right: